Global Wind Day
14 June, 2009
The European Wind Day is going global in 2009. From the 13th to the 15th June, five continents will be united by events, conferences, parties and contests celebrating and promoting this clean, infinite, no-fuel energy source. Last June, over 90,000 citizens joined in with activities taking place across 20 EU countries, including Ireland. Activities during the 2008 European Wind Day ranged from painting competitions for childrenand to energy workshops for the general public.
This year Ireland is involved again and in conjunction with IWEA, 6 Wind Farms will open across Ireland.
Saturday 13th June
Rahora Wind Farm - Ecopower Ltd.
Tournafulla wind Farm - Airtricity
Mountain Lodge Wind Farm - IWCM
Sunday 14th June
Carnsore Wind Farm - ESBI
Gneeves Wind Farm - SWS
Dundalk IT Wind Farm - DKIT
Monday15th June
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